Thursday, May 15, 2014

Bump Update: Week 18

If you haven't noticed, I love blogging - probably because I love writing.  The blog has grown so much since I first started way back when - yes, I know its because of our little Sprout.  But it is so exciting to see that instead of the average 20-30 people reading a post I'm seeing anywhere from 90-200!  And twice this week I had someone tell me how much they loved reading my blog.  The encouragement is so nice.  And I hope, that even with all this baby talk, I'm still able to make a difference in someone's life since that was the whole point when I started this.

Every day I am amazed at how fast this pregnancy is going.  I can't believe we are 18 weeks already!  In JUST 2 weeks we will be approximately half way done!  That's insane!  haha.

Anyways, now for the fun stuff...I feel like I just woke up pregnant today.  My belly was super obvious.  I even wore the pair of pants that tends to make my bump disappear and Hubby made those giant eyeballs of shock when he saw me tonight.  The comparison photos don't show it super well - but it definitely has grown!  

Here are the comparison photos - 12 weeks, 15 weeks, and 18 weeks.  Also note my insane hair growth - appointment next week to get it chopped off again before we go camping!  ;)

This week, baby is the size of a: Sweet Potato or a Bell Pepper - depends on which app I reference.  ;)  How fun is that!?!  Now I'm hungry for a sweet potato...hmmmmm.....

Next appointment: The 29th.  Just a couple weeks from today.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I haven't been paying attention really.  It was stressing me out that I wasn't gaining anything, so now I've just decided to let it be until my next appointment.  :)

Exercise: Still so...much....rain...  But, as I noted last week, I've been much more active around the house.  Plus I did get a walk or two in this week.  My legs are so sore - so I must be doing something!  ;)

Maternity Clothes: I found another thrift store with a maternity section so now I have 2 places where I may be able to find stuff fairly cheap.  I also got on Pink Blush Maternity because some very dear friends of ours got me a gift card for my birthday.  I got 2 tops that would have cost me $86 originally for only $7 total, shipping and all.  VERY excited about this!  And one is also a nursing top so it will last me even longer!

Sleep: I slept SO good last night that I didn't even hear Hubby's alarm go off this morning...and neither did he.  haha.  That made the morning a bit interesting but he got out the door in time and I managed to get the dishes taken care of!    

Food Cravings/Aversions: Nothing at all this week.  Smells haven't even really been bothering me.  There are days I wish I had fun cravings but nothing.  

Movement: I swear I felt something today at lunch!  But I'm really not sure if it was the baby or just weird tummy growl.  Haven't felt anything since.  :(

What I Miss: Hot Dogs.  I was told I could have the occasional all beef hot dog, but I'm used to having the cheap-o hot dogs like once a week.  They are quick, easy, and oh so yummy.

What I'm Loving: The energy and brain function that have returned.  I have been able to accomplish SO much this week.  I feel like my brain has returned (most of the time anyways) and it is SO wonderful.  I can focus and accomplish big and little tasks.  Loving it!  

What I'm Looking Forward To: We get to see Sprout tomorrow for our anatomy ultrasound.  Get to make sure that development looks okay and find out the gender (though we won't know until the 1st...oh the waiting...).

Best Moment This Week: Putting all of the baby stuff we have accumulated so far in the nursery closet.  It makes it feel a little more real.  :)

Milestones: We are officially at 4 months.  Only 5 to go!

Goals: As noted a moment ago, I really tackled that whole organization project!  All of the craft stuff, the nursery closet, and most of our storage closet is done!  I just have to organize our camping stuff (which will be using next week anyways) and our office stuff and everything will have its place.  My goals besides that are putting together the rest of the stuff for the gender reveal and a few small painting projects (so long as I am able to open some windows).


  1. I'm going to guess BOY. :) Why won't they tell you until the 1st what the gender is? That's odd... though I haven't found out with any of mine. Maybe that's standard practice (?). And though they are a little more expensive, there are Oscar Mayer Nitrate-Free Hot Dogs that I believe are OK to eat while pregnant.... though don't quote me on that! I am having an aversion to most meat - ick!

  2. We won't find out until the 1st because that's when our reveal party is. They would tell me tonight if I wanted to know. We are just waiting by choice. Not sure why I decided to do that. haha.

    I'll have to look into those hot dogs - we are going camping next weekend and we've got to have hot dogs! ;)

    Hopefully your meat aversions will be over soon. I was the same way until a few weeks ago...

  3. Ohh! Ha! Didn't realize that the 1st was the reveal party! Fun!!


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