Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Truth: Prayer for Longing

Psalm 84:1-4
1 How lovely are Your dwelling places,
O Lord of hosts!
2 My soul longed and even yearned for the courts of the Lord;
My heart and my flesh sing for joy to the living God.
3 The bird also has found a house,
And the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young,
Even Your altars, O Lord of hosts,
My King and my God.
4 How blessed are those who dwell in Your house!
They are ever praising You.

We can be so very grateful that we have access to the presence of God at all times.  We don't have to be in the Holy of Holies.  We don't have to be a priest or a Levite.  He is ours.  Or rather, we are His.  He is here with us!  

But still, can't you relate to these words?  They are full of passion, full of yearning.  I know I have felt this way.  Yes, God's presence is here all the time.  No, I don't have to be in a church.  But sometimes I don't feel God's presence like I do at other times.  And I yearn for Him to be near...much like the words of this song:

..."for dark is light to You
the depths are height to You
far is near, but Lord I need to hear from You

Be near Oh God,
Be near Oh God....." (Be Near, Shane & Shane)

We should constantly want to be in His presence, to yearn for His embrace.  Our hearts are made to long for Him.  Much like a baby bird longs for its mother....

I would like to lift up a prayer for all of you today:


You are good.  You are wonderful and full of love for each of us.

I pray right now that You would fill me and each individual reading this with a yearning to be in Your presence, with a desire to have You near.  Hold us close, Father, and make Your presence known in a powerful way.  I know sometimes I feel like You are so far away, that my words are bouncing off the ceiling.  And sometimes I even feel like You don't care.  I pray that You would rid those thoughts from my mind.  And if anyone else reading these words feels like I do, please do the same for them.  Remind us that You are here.  You are always here.

Thank You for loving us so much that You made it possible to have access to You at all times.  Thank You for caring enough to listen to and answer our prayers.  Thank You for Your presence.

In Jesus Name,

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